$5- and under DIY toys!
Rabbits, they binky, they chew, they run, they jump. Rabbits need to be preoccupied throughout the day to keep them from mischief, and other serious injuries. Lack of toys and open spaces can lead to depression. Signs of depression include: lack of sleep, lack of appetite, and lethargy. If you are concerned your rabbit follows these symptoms, contact your local exotic vet, or for more information visit: . Below are some inexpensive or free ways to make your rabbit toys, enjoy!
DIY Interactive Toy!
Toilet paper roll
carboard pieces
treats for the end!

Step 1: Make three circles out of cardboard and cut them out.

Step 2: Cut the toilet paper roll into three equivalent pieces.

Step 3: Cut a strip of cardboard, and tape the tp roll pieces on.

Step 4: With the cardboard circles, using scissors poke two small holes.

Step 5: Fish a piece of yarn between the two holes, and tie the ends into knots.

Step 6: place the lids onto the open TP roll pieces.

Step 7: place treats inside, and let your rabbit enjoy!

DIY rabbit tent!

duct tape
13 by 14 piece of cardboard
medium sized t shirt
2 wire hangers

Step 1: Your going to get your two hangers, and unwind the twisted hook.
Step 2: After you've untwisted the hangers, bend them into half ovals. 
Step 3: Cross the two wires, and tape them at the top.

Step 4: Poke a wire end into a corner of the cardboard.

Step 5: Tape the excess wire to the bottom of the cardboard, or tape it to the wire pole.

Step 6: Put on the t shirt from a side of the tent. Make sure the neck hole is on a side of the tent, not the top.

Step 7: After you have properly put on the t shirt, flip the tent to its side and tape off the excess fabric.
Optional: Using the extra fabric from the bottom, I created a flooring for the inside of the tent.

Step 8: The finished product should resemble this.

Extra: I had so much extra fabric from the shirt, I created fringe and taped it onto the entrance of a cardboard box.

Cardboard Tubes
Cardboard tubes are the most popular diy option, with multiple ways to design them to fit your rabbit's need.

When you have finished the last picture above, fill the tube with your rabbit's favorite treats. Then, fold in the other side of the tube. 
Another idea, is to cut fringe on each side of the tube. 

Cardboard boxes 
 They are great for allowing your rabbit some privacy, especially if they are in a stressful situation.
All you need to do is cut half an oval on one side of a box. 

Wooden chews
Rabbits have teeth that are constantly growing, wooden sticks from your local pet store, or even SAFE twigs from your backyard, are nice  chew toys. If you use sticks from your backyard, research if it's poisonous, and make sure to not use any plants exposed to pesticides, or fertilizer. Some safe sticks include; willow, spruce, apple, pear, juniper, etc.
Other options
Some other inexpensive options include stacking cups (baby toy), cat toys without cat nip, and rabbit related toys on Amazon or at your pet store.

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